티스토리 뷰

두개의 파일에서 소스코드가 일치하는지 확인해야할 필요가 있을때가 가끔 있습니다.

저는 에디트플러스를 주 에디터로 사용하고 있는데

아쉽게도 에디트플러스에서는 두개의 파일의 소스코드를 비교해주는 기능이 없습니다.

바로 이럴때 대안으로 사용하는 것이 notepad++ 입니다.

notepad++의 기본기능에는 없지만, 플러그인 설치를 통해서 소스코드 비교기능을 사용할 수가 있습니다.


이 링크를 따라가면 하단에 플러그인 목록이 나타납니다.


Function List
Function list offers a list of fuction (or section)
according of the language of current document, in order to access to the function or section you need quickly.
The supported languages are : C, C++, Resource File, Java, Assembler, MS INI File, HTML, Javascript, PHP, ASP, Pascal, Python, Perl, Objective C,  LUA, Fortran, NSIS, VHDL, SQL, VB and BATCH.
Plugin Demonstration : Insertion of current file name and date & time. Auto-close the html/xml tag
XML Tools
This plugin is a small set of useful tools for editing XML with Notepad++. The plugin is libXML2-based.
The plugin features are:
- XML syntax Check
- XML Schema (XSD) + DTD Validation
- XML tag autoclose
- Pretty print
- Linarize XML
- Current XML Path
- Conversion XML <-> Text
- Comment / Uncomment
- XPath expression evaluation
TextFx is one of the first plugins while the plugin system was available in Notepad++.
You will be amazed by its huge number of features and its small size.
Here is Text FX official site with detail Information.
Explorer plugin
Explorer plugin is a file browser. You can open whatever you want from it in Notepad++, just double click!
ConvertExt is a plugin for Notepad++ 3.5 and above. This plugin allows Notepad++ to:
- view a text file in different encodings (codepages);
- convert a text file from one encoding to another;
- add and work with your own [external] encoding tables;
- replace a typed character by another user-defined character;
- autocomplete a left bracket with a corresponding right bracket
Hex Editor
It's a damn good Hex Editor - works seamlessly with Notepad++
Colour Picker
A colour picker which translates your selected colour in hexadecimal. You can download its source code
Doc Updater
Document updater updates your opened documents in Notepad++ every 3 seconds.
A fantastic generic snippet manager, which supports all the languages supported by Notepad++.
A nice done Find in files plugin with which you have a lot of extra informations.
With this NppExec plugin you can execute your commands or saved scripts without leaving Notepad++. It makes you triple your productivity!
Light Explorer
A light explorer plugin not only in weight but also in speed.
Here is the spelchecker spellcheker spellchecker which can corect correct your typos in your langage (damn!) language. You need to instal install Aspell before using it.
DBGP plugin
This is a php debugger (XDebug) which talks DBGP protocol. Use this plugin to transform your Notepad++ to a php IDE.
Compare Plugin
A very useful diff plugin to show the difference between 2 files (side by side).
With this you can encrypt/decrypt whole documents or selected text with your own key.
It is useful for storing sensitive information like logins and you don't want them lying around in a plaintext file.
A FTP client which is integrated in Notepad++ seamlessly.
Open a php file from a server of distance, modify it, save it and try it on your browser directly just like you work locally.
This plug-in provides two core functions to Notepad++:
- HTML and XML tag matching, like the built-in brace matching (Ctrl+B / Shift+Ctrl+B)
- HTML entity encoding/decoding (example: é to é and vice versa)
NppExport is a true WYSIWYG exporter.
It allows you not only to save your source code as a html/rtf file, but also to copy your source code in the clipboard in RTF/HTML format, so you can paste it into your word processor (MS Word, Abiword, openoffice.org Writer) to get the same visual effect.
NativeLang allows you to translate the plugin menu/dialog in your native language.
Simple script
Simple script plug-in allows you to make up your script from buid-in functions then execute the script in linear. It was originally designed to help format e-books for easier reading on a computer screen, but it's generic enough to use for a variety of different purposes.
MultiClipboard plugin implements multiple (10) text buffers that is filled up via copying and/or cutting of text. To paste any text from the buffers, use
Ctrl-V or middle mouse click (normal paste):
to paste the most recently copied/cut text
Ctrl-Shift-V or Shift-middle mouse click:
to pop up a menu with the text buffer entries. Select the desired menu item to paste it
No kidding, Notepad++ speakes now.
Use SpeechPlugin, you can make Notepad++ dictate your text or source code.
Of course, the speakers is necessary.
If you open a lot of file every time you launch Notepad++, WindowManager may help you to swich a file to another.
This screenshot will explains better.
Gmod 10 Lua Syntax Highlighter
A Garry's Mod 10 lua syntax highlighter plugin. It's also a good demostration of syntax highlighter plugins for Notepad++
Log plugin
Log plugin allows Notepad++ has one of MS Notepad basic features : Append the date/time at the end of file after a file is opened in Notepad++, if file begins with ".LOG".

상당히 많은 플러그인이 보이는군요.

여기서 Compare Plugin 이 두개의 파일을 비교하여 차이점을 알려주는 플러그인 입니다.

플러그인 설치는 간단합니다. 플러그인을 다운받으셔서 압축을 풀게 되면 DLL 파일이 있는데

이 DLL파일을 notepad++가 설치된 폴더의 Notepadd++/plugins 에 붙여넣기 하시고, 프로그램을 다시 실행시키면 됩니다.

그럼 파일 비교를 해볼까요?

먼저 비교할 파일을 notepad++로 불러옵니다.

그리고 상단 메뉴의 플러그인->compare->compare 을 클릭하면

두개의 파일을 비교하여 다른 소스코드 부분을 색상별로 하이라이트하여 표시해줍니다.

만약 두개의 파일이 일치할 경우에는 file match 라는 메세지를 띄웁니다.

파일의 차이점은 케이스별로(삭제, 추가, 변경, 빈줄 등) 여러 색상별로 표시되는데 option의 설정을 통해서 변경이 가능합니다.

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